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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0693c40a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  133KB  |  450x355  |  8-bit (232 colors)
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OCR: EADINC 30-YEAR ADJUSTABLE-RATE MORTGAGES Rate Lifetimt Region Itatitution dawn Poinls Telep Atlant: CommerratellhUritsJ Merlease 3.63% 10 2.38 $456 9.63% 404-698 -6020 Baltimore Maryland Natiorat TMorteacr 3.88 10 2.38 70 9.88 E00.492-7014 Boston Hanelt iartaps 3.75 10. 3.0 463 9.7F 508. 744 4100 Chic Hausefoid Mornpage Sarvics 1.00 10 2.00 477 10.00 200 723 10510 Cleveland Chemica Residential Morteage 3.50 0 3.0 449 3.50 216-573.4000 Dallas Nore t Marteape 4.00 10 1.00 10.00 214-238-5251 Derve Martland National Merteag 3.88 10 1.88 470 9.88 303-322-7803 Detroit Pepublic. c BancarpMarlpec 3.88 20 2.00 470 9.88 313 -489-8800 Houston Fam&Home Savings 3.63 10 3.00 456 9.63 713-270 -3709 Los Angele: Americar Commerce Morteage 3.75 10 2.00 463 9.75 714.623.7765 Miami Home Firaneing Center 3.88 ...